Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hyderabadiz--the best thing about Hyderabad!

Hindus and Muslims hold a
prayer meet in blast-hit Hyderabad

Yes, all credit to the people. In spite of what happened at Mecca Masjid in May and at Gokul Chaat and Lumbini Park a few days ago, the city's cosmopolitan character has remained intact. Never mind cynical sms messages--they're meant to be funny, of course--that tell you to try and stay alive after visiting Mecca Masjid and Lumbini Park, eating at Gokul Chaat and going under or past the Panjagutta flyover. Never mind what the government tells you--if you want to sample some nuggets, here they are (please don't laugh): "Our police is doing the best it can to fight terrorism." Or, "In two years there won't be a homeless person in Andhra Pradesh."
The citizenry remained composed and mature through these trying times.

As those who celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi yesterday digest their payasam, udumulu and vada, among other things, on the one side, the ubiquitous bhatti (furnace) in which haleem is stewed is burning as fiercely as ever, all over the city. That's as good an example as any. Pista House announced the other day that it's tied up with Gati to deliver its lip-smacking haleem anywhere in the world in 48 hours. Perhaps, it's worth a try wherever you are--if you aren't a veggie, that is. Doff your hat to the citizens of this city.

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