Calling out to all Hyderabadi bloggers
All ye, who have tasted the waters of Gandipet and Manjira and who are now on alien shores and native land, who blog away regardless--on this city and everything about it--let us know more about yo
u, because our team has a brilliant idea. We intend to pool all the Hyderabadi bloggers and 'link' them on to a page--with thumbnail images of your blog, if the copyright / permissions are cleared by those who create the thumshots.

So, the sort of 'unity' we don't witness in real life, is possible in the virtual world! To know what the idea looks like--see what the Toronto folks are doing.
Get on to the Hyderabadi bandwagon (which is NOT rumbling along at the pace we hyderabadis are used to) ....We intend to launch this 'poolsite' by Ugadi....
aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya or as the children's program hosted on AIR by 'radio annayya' used to put it--'raaranDoye, raaranDoye'....
saty and the Hyderabadiz Team

So, the sort of 'unity' we don't witness in real life, is possible in the virtual world! To know what the idea looks like--see what the Toronto folks are doing.
Get on to the Hyderabadi bandwagon (which is NOT rumbling along at the pace we hyderabadis are used to) ....We intend to launch this 'poolsite' by Ugadi....
aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya or as the children's program hosted on AIR by 'radio annayya' used to put it--'raaranDoye, raaranDoye'....
saty and the Hyderabadiz Team
Sign me up mate.. coz i'm from Malakpet. Lol!!
Yeh, we guys still are stuck into the paanch minute mein aaroon era.
On a side note, maybe you come up with some kinda 'Hyderbadiz' image that we could put up on our blogs. WOuld be way cooler.
Hi John
Thanks for joining the marathon.
Spread this good word of uniting all blogging Hyderabadiz by links, push and pull, or by any ways that you can.
By the way there is one thing we are desperately looking:
Hyderabadi Irani Cafe.
We have seen a wonderful picture of Irani Cafe in Mumbai description. Best funny picture is here
Now, we need a picture or image of Hyderabadi Irani stuff.
Any help will be duly acknowledged.
Stay connected.
thanks for the invite....
but im not from hyderabad....even tho i did write a post on it....
im from chennai....but nice 2 b invited thank you....
Why, sure, put me down. Anything for Hyderabad :).
I too am ready to join the group.Actually I was thinking of such a thing from some time but couldn't find any Hyderabadi blogger.
Sign me in!
I'm Joinin' is the blog where i do the real blogging is my cousin and m sure he'd love to join in
Sure, put me up.
I am from Kawadiguda :)
hi huderabadiz
thanks for the invitation..sure put me in there..
Thank You for the invitation. I am honored to be invited. Would love to join. Had a very hectic week, and hence couldnt answer your email(s). I do not access gmail very often.. :)
Fantastic idea ! Thanks for letting me know. Count me in :-)
Also, quite liked John's idea of a 'hyderabadiz' image on our blogs - will create a sense of belonging for everyone who joins :-)
I'll play if you'll have me -- I'm not from Hyderabad, but I'm traveling there. Might provide an interesting POV, or at least a refreshing dose of humor.
Hi Avid Radio Listeners,
I am not sure if you have heard of
They have just launched the first ever Internet Only Hyderabad Radio.
Location :
I think they just launched on New Year.
I was also surprised when I heard on their radio that they are willing to play serials, shows, music from local Hyderabadi's. I think this is the first time anyone has done this in India.
The Radio Content is being provided by the listeners.
Maybe its a promotional offer..but I just recorded something in my own voice and sent it to them.
Kudos to these people....its so tough for aspiring voice artists to showcase their talent to the world..
Finally .. we can !
URL : GoTo -> then -> Live Radio
Hello Hyderabadiz,
Thanks for the comment on my blog and nice initiation by the way. Please add me to the list.
Kudos to all Hyderabadi Bloggers....
Thank you for invitation. I am from Ongole.Sign me up dear friend.
wow! great respone! What else can one expect from Hyderabadis--iz!
Hello, Thank you for leaving message in my blog. But, I could not find clear picture of what you intended to do. it would be nice to gather on some other day and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I wish details of plans about where we meet, when, at which place and at what can mail me the programmes as well at:
Thank you for leaving comments in my blog and keep on visiting.
Count me in....brilliant idea!!
...we'll meet in the virtual world--when we do....All that we intend to do is--pool all the Hyderabadi bloggers and 'link' them on to a page--with thumbnail images of your blog, if the copyright / permissions are cleared by those who create the thumbshots.
saty and the rest
Hi There, Thanks for all your comments on my blog. Well looks like good idea you can add me as well and let me how it goes...
we are Hyderabadis living in Ireland supporting one another.
Best Regards,
Saty boy, i'm quite pleased with the results too, knowing us Hyderabadi's.
One more idea: Some kinda blog (without making it into a forum) where each of us could write about our best experiences back home.
Call it a blog with lots of members but on a single blog. Or perhaps we could have just one member and we e-mail them the posts and they put it up.
What say? ;)
Hi Hyderabadiz,
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and letting me know abt the event. Count me in,
hey john,
I'm all with u on this.
except that I don't know what the logistical implications of putting an all-hyderabadi miniature version of myspace ou youtube would be!of course 'tis worth trying....
Thanks for the invite, but am not from Hyderabad.
That's brilliant idea and count me in.
Thanks for the invite
So we have 13 people to start with. What's next?
Yes, if folks aren't superstitious about 13, we can get started or wait for a few days till we launch our 'blogroll' or get the blog rolling....
yeah i'm in, it'd be exciting to be on such a wonderful forum.
Great idea! Count me in.
Well, as planned originally let's stick to the Ugadi deadline. That'll give the team enough time to work out a few technical and logistical strategies, that need to be put in place.
At last an effort I can get behind - Hyderabadi's unite! Sign me up too please. Hey John I'm also from Malakpet - meaning we're probably related lol.
hello,I came here through my friend Swpna's blog.I am from HYD too(atleast my in-laws are,so that is my home now,right?I would love to join your blogroll too!
my webpage:
Blogroll Me! I Have a Dedicated Hyderabad in global avatar kinda Blog!
Thanks for the Invite on Republic Day!
Why not:)
Hi mate,
Thanks for the comment on my blog and yes i am interested n would like to design a logo for this event .but whats ur time line fro the logo.
Keep me updated abt this buddy
i'd be delighted to hop in, as someone said, anything for hyderabad. but could u pls explain some more details like wats the modus operandi after unision and ya how to get in.....btw im form habsiguda....keep smilin'.... :) ...
Count me in buddy.Well I agree with Pandu.Do throw some more pointers on what it is all about.
Hyderabad is close to my heart as I was brought up there.By the way am from "Malkajgiri".
Nothing can beat our Irani chai/samosa or our parlance.Still lingers in my
Will let my friends know aswell.
my blog
cheerz n greetz
Count me in buddy.Well I agree with Pandu.Do throw some more pointers on what it is all about.
Hyderabad is close to my heart as I was brought up there.By the way am from "Malkajgiri".
Nothing can beat our Irani chai/samosa or our parlance.Still lingers in my
Will let my friends know aswell.
my blog
cheerz n greetz
Hey Folks..
Count me in.. Gr8 idea to unite the bloggers from Hyd.
well Blogger din't allow me to post again after deletion(as it had some typos) :( so had to sign up as "Others"
I could notice some problem with my comment posting for quite a week now with my quiz blog and other blogs aswell.
sorry for the trouble.
cheerz n greetz
Hey Guys,
Count me in too. Though havent updated it since quite sometime, I'm determined to make up for the lost time.
Good Initiative and great going...
Now here's something we all would like ! Like u said, once a hyderabadi, always a hyderabadi n I'm one to the core.
Count me in !
Here's a few suggestions I'd like to give if u don't mind.., first of all i love the idea of uniting Hyderabadi bloggers and also havin this blog 4 hyd., but the template is anything but hyderabadi. There are hundreds of amazing templates., it's a suggestion that you try n get a template that's as close as pssbl to the Hyderabadi spirit. May b u shud lose the santa clock too. Doesn't really fit in.
thanks for the invitation. Sure I would like to join.
Am interested too. :)
Very much interested, I guess 4 years in this city fits me into the category of hyderabadzis.......
Count me in!!!
count me in [:)]
Thanks for the invitation friend. I am from Hyderabad but living in Boston, can't make it.
Have a nice time.
Stay connected.
Hello everybody in here :) Nice Idea by Hyderabadiz.Am in.keep in touch guys.take care.
well, hmm, thanks for the invitation. But, as for now, I'm kinda carried away with the petty things of life. ;) so, may be some other time (if I wd still have the invitation that time! :P).
thanks for the invite ........count me too. i am from hyderabad...........
nice idea buddy... count me in.i would like to see this evolving into some kind of metblog.....
great initiative!!!
thanks for dropping by. ya, you can use the thumb nails for my blog.
You may please include my blog in your Ugadi celebrations.
You can count me in too..
Also check out Ludwig's blog here
Please let me know what do I need to do to be a part of this grand initiative.
Thanks for inviting me!
i'm in too!! my blog be ->
imma all hyderabadi myself!
తెలుగు మాట...తేనె ఊట
The language of it is
Telugu...a language sweeter than honey
Sounds cool, Keep me posted.
Thanks for dropping by my site. Yes, its a great idea to unite all hyderabadis... You are welcome to include my blog site.
Please send me details if you want me to include your site.
I am interested in joining the group.
These are my blogs..
A truthful blog. And like all truth, a little bitter; but truth nevertheless.
hi dude..i m in too..nice effort to bring together all the magnificent ppl of this marvelous city..
Hey... I know I'm very very late in replying but count me in!
Haha... I know this is coming like a year later, but can i still join??
Hey me 2 very late but add me 2 thnks
hi visit this wonderful blog once..
engineering college pori lu mama
Hello guys!
There is an actual Toronto Hyderabadi Association!
check us out:
Website coming soon!
If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us,
This is Sindhura and i am from Hyderabad.Please include my blog
Well i write my recipes with a pen name Chaitra and mentioned my hometown as Visakhapatnam.
Just clarifying.
My blog deals with foodie musings!!
I think i am late here, but do consider my blog too!
We are update daily Andhra Recipes.
Just click to share.
Chicken Recipes
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